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  1. Sup boys ill b back in oct been busy as fuck took a new job moved and movin again soon w my gf aint touched a pc in months fig id hit cnc and see wht you guys been up too...jesuschrist out
  2. i dnt need to cheat to beat nodrescuse on a fkn mod map im a grown ass man cheatin on a game from 99 isnt on my agenda prolly never will be..thx
  3. this grandpa player total shit stop accusin me of mappin when i click anharpy into ur base and ur sam fires new it opens u up
  4. Noj

    trouble shooting

    was he able to fix it any help here?
  5. troubleshooting question... for those of you who dont know me i play under the nickname jesuschrist as of recently when i log onto ts in multiplayer game or even a cpu game it wont let me play. ive been using the default rendering which has always been what ive used. im not exactly sure what has changed but now when i use the default setting on the rendering the game freezes so ive swithed over to the ts ddraw now it dosent freeze but make the game lag so bad its almost unplayable. does anyone have any idea on how to fix this or settings that need to be changed. like i mentioned i havent downloaded anything or changed any computer settings i jus logged on one day and it was like this and now im unable to play.
  6. Hello everyone jus joined fourms was lurking around and thought it might be a good idea to start a player profile type deal. Just a lil basic information about people who still play ts seeing as most of us have 10 to 15 years under our belts. Simple things like players real name, active ts logs, occupation, age and maybe even a picture. If possible pic when u started playin and one now i think would be a funny idea. Jus lookin for imput if anyone agess with me ill start it off cant hurt maybe even bring ts community a little closer.
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