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Everything posted by gregpapa

  1. Hello, I'm new on this site, however I've been practising modding, creating maps, checking possibilities of C&C1 & RA1 for a long time. First of all I would like to say that this mod is absolutely brilliant! I'm really happy to see that C&C1 has still potential and being cared of. It was my old dream to use original C&C with the advanced possibilities of RA1 engine/coding, it's a pleasure to see it happen. I have already read thrugh the forum, to investige about the future and possibilities of this mod. I would like to ask a few questions if you don't mind about what can I except from the future. So I've seen there is an Arda patch for Ra1 which would make RA1 able to build linked walls and change building foundations. Sad fact, that this mod doesn't support the patch, because if it would, making a full C&C1 remake with advanced options would be in hand. Are there any hope to make Arda and RD compatible in the future? I personally think after the lot of promising and hard work you put in this project, compatibility between this two great project would finalize the fullness of this mod. I know that the game executeables are different, but what things would be needed to make this happen? A talented software engineer is the key or even with one it would be a pain in the ass? Making Nod to use their original gray/red colours are just marvelous, the buildings, units and terrain from C&C1 being coverted so smootly are just great! The playable RA1 maps and some C&C1 maps another wonderful feature, the UI and so on... As I stated before I really respect this mod. But seeing the silos to be so... uhm... how should I say? squished is just bad. Having the outsized bibs and sizes for some buildings are another dissapointing feature. In my case for sure. This is why I'm interested of Arda possibilities for this awesome mod. Lasty, the weapons factory is my another issue. I know that RA modding without hard coding has limitations, but is there a way to restore it's full glory along with the Nod Airstrip even if it's without it's plane? Are there any hope to see them coming back? I could list my other interests about this mod, in short: changing building frames/animations (example: Comm Center's circling antenna), options menu in-game to match TD style, restored original C&C gunship with directions, map editor features (showing nod double colors), Nod's red color instead of soviet bright red and a few more things but these aren't so important. Thanks for you reply/replies. Greetings, gregpapa.
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