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Everything posted by AZ-Stalker

  1. I've uploaded another inspirational review video, although I went with Dune 2000 this time - which is still pretty much C&C just without the name. The same spirit, style and occasional comedy is present just as with the TS video. Feedback is appreciated, enjoy! VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/jj2jLBsgMwg
  2. I just published a YouTube video that showcases Tiberian Sun in a very positive light as a less technical review of sorts, focusing more on the atmosphere, style and emotional experience the game can often inspire. I've also put some jokes and nostalgia in there for good measure, so feel free to check it out! Enjoy! VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/XEH8cVt4ALc
  3. They certainly smell some heresy in their own way. Definitely.
  4. UPDATE 2019 I wanted to update this thread. I used to make a Tiberian Sun themed webcomic out of LEGOs as you likely already now. I stopped producing them quite a while back due to some technical and time related difficulties. Two primary websites where the comic used to be hosted have both been shut down, so I wanted to reupload the comic as a complete collection without the previous site's branding. The collection also includes a few extra goodies! I remember not posting the last three or four episodes on every outlet, so some of you might not have seen those if you weren't checking the old sites where it was hosted. The series wasn't planned to end with E13, but the conclusion in that one is a good parting point so it doesn't end on a cliffhanger at least. TIBERIAN DAYLIGHT COMPLETE COLLECTION Episode #1 - Lucky Day: https://i.imgur.com/WnhnqJa.jpg Episode #2 - Chemical Contact: https://i.imgur.com/Zz2ZX69.jpg Episode #3 - Nod Tactics 101: https://i.imgur.com/qbU9Eif.jpg Episode #4 - Obstruction: https://i.imgur.com/M0YkWOV.jpg Episode #5 - Rescue Elite: https://i.imgur.com/s7jVtEA.jpg Episode #6 - Bridge Repaired: https://i.imgur.com/1Q63zBz.jpg Episode #7 - Disc Away: https://i.imgur.com/Pq26YDn.jpg Episode #8 - Veterancy: https://i.imgur.com/7OZ3j5V.jpg Episode #9 - Medical Magic: https://i.imgur.com/tK6nN5m.jpg Episode #10 - Good Old Terrain: https://i.imgur.com/k7rDDQO.jpg Episode #11 - Tacitus Trouble: https://i.imgur.com/39k1Ke0.jpg Episode #12 - Unexpected Response: https://i.imgur.com/bJL3ZYv.jpg Episode #13 - A Technical Breakout: https://i.imgur.com/giQQ1w5.jpg OTHER GOODIES / EXTRAS TD Facts - Angry Cyborgs: https://i.imgur.com/y429OMq.jpg TD Facts - Wolverine Guard Duty: https://i.imgur.com/d8PArzn.jpg TD Facts - Good Titan: https://i.imgur.com/oZV1QL1.jpg Promotional - Lucky: https://i.imgur.com/l8oP1Ts.jpg Promotional - Cyborg: https://i.imgur.com/rTBX4wh.jpg Promotional - Chems (with Captain Thorn): https://i.imgur.com/WxtzXbq.jpg Promotional - Grenadier (with GDI Commander): https://i.imgur.com/8h0WD8q.jpg Community Spotlight (Initial Reaction Comments): https://i.imgur.com/RfoYbWG.jpg SquidEmpire's Pixel Fan Art (featuring Lucky): https://i.imgur.com/FLPPKD7.jpg Custom TD Forum Signature: https://i.imgur.com/hrOLFBy.jpg Thanks again to everyone and I hope you enjoy the extra goodies!
  5. I've had to pause the whole project due to real life circumstances as some of you might know. Having all of that mostly settled for now, I've started working on Tiberian Daylight once again! Episode #11 was just released and #12 is being worked on! Anyone interested can find more information on where to follow new Tiberian Daylight episodes in this forum thread: http://ghost-reactive.proboards.com/thread/252/new-episodes-tiberian-daylight I'm not sure if I'll have time to update various C&C fan sites, so this is a way to centralize things. Enjoy!
  6. Episode #7, already? You bet! I'm not sure I'll always have time to update the webcomic on every C&C site, so make sure to keep track of new episodes via this Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/GhostReactive Or just jump over to the CNCNZ.com forum, where it's a sure bet new episodes will always get posted! http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/19150-tiberian-daylight/
  7. It's kind of a transparent barrel filled with drinkable water. Transportable water rations sound reasonable in TS's apocalyptic atmosphere.
  8. Check out the last episode in this story arc! Episode #6 is here! More episodes coming soon!
  9. The next episode is here! Can Lucky and Chems get out of this mess alive? Find out in Episode 5 - Rescue Elite!
  10. I try to make everything so it follows a certain chain of events, so yes. But there will probably be random unrelated episodes here and there. That actually already crossed my mind since I'm an AoT fan. Maybe...
  11. I've wanted to do some kind of C&C LEGO project since 2007, and after seeing all of the great stuff Zee and Nmenth kicked out I went ahead and finally gave it a shot! So yeah, they got the ball rolling by putting such content out there in the first place. Noted. :laugh:
  12. I'm the creator of a C&C themed LEGO webcomic called Tiberian Daylight and I would like to share this little project with all of you! The story takes place in an alternate timeline during the events of the second tiberium war. If you're an old Tiberian Sun fan, then you'll most likely have fun reading this webcomic. Also, I've gotten around to putting in some Renegade inspired characters and references since this piece of fan fiction doesn't exactly follow the second war's true chain of events. So, enough descriptions and boring text - time to look at the present I got for ya! You can follow Tiberian Daylight's progress via this Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GhostReactive or just use the direct links provided below: EPISODE 1: http://i.imgur.com/VuP0I61.jpg EPISODE 2: http://i.imgur.com/i5RGWVn.jpg EPISODE 3: http://i.imgur.com/ogEXATZ.jpg EPISODE 4: http://i.imgur.com/pXQ6VEY.jpg (view all episodes at https://www.facebook.com/GhostReactive and http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/19150-tiberian-daylight/) So, how do you like Tiberian Daylight? Any feedback is truly appreciated.
  13. Hey everyone! I'm mostly known on CNCNZ.com and have been lurking fansites probably since somewhere around 2005. Good to finally be here aswell!
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