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Everything posted by oot

  1. oot

    Pro corner

    Hello, First time posting on this forum, I came here today because I'm at a crossroads I'm certain A lot of new players are dealing with. So here is my experience with the current community. The first thing I would like to mention is the game settings in the lobby. How are new players meant to know what "Standard" settings are? Everytime a "decent or pro" player joins they just rage and leave saying "noob settings" Well, that's fine and dandy but How am I to know what is normal and what is not? I'm new after all.... The second thing I would like to mention is the fact that some of us simply do not have a whole lot of experience in the game, so when good players join the game and kill us in 3 minutes how are we to learn from that experience? Most games I have 1-3 refinery's and the opponent will fly with a disrupter before I can set up a good defense, which is ok, I've learned that doing a 1 refinery disrupter build is not always idea as it leaves you economically crippled, but a good player can pretty well destroy your whole base with 1 carry and 1 disrupter. But I didn't come here to complain about the disrupter, I came here to ask if there are any "cookie cutter" builds that give you a good economic position as well as the option to defend if needed to attack should the opportune moment arise. And before someone else responds here saying "play GDI its easier, or play NOD its easier, I've tried both and to be honest there are so many units in the game its difficult to know when you need which, and how many? So now I've been playing for a little bit and I've started to figure out on my own some of the things I've written about which is now bringing me to my crossroads that I mentioned, I feel as though I've found myself in a rut. Newer players start to recognize your name and kick you from the game because they know they simply don't stand a chance they do not have the same understanding I've grown to know of the game, and on the other side of the coin a very select few "pro players" will allow the newer players to play a game but when that newer player does not do what the pro player expect and they end up losing that match, it means that the newer player will no longer be welcome in the pro player games and results in a ban. And alas the crossroads, I'm stuck in the middle or good and bad players and its really impacting my experience, I can no longer improve as no one will play with me. What am I to do at this point? Practice against bots? well they do not play like players. That is not an option. So what would you guys suggest for someone like me who's experience started off really great and had a blast. but is diminishing due to the skill gap between players. And before the pro's respond with, "Why dont you spectate some games?" I've been doing that for a while. But at some point you need to practice playing the game and experience it yourself. Not just watch pro's play 30 minute games and then when they ask you to play the next one it's over in 3 minutes. Well spectating helps only to a certain degree. Any feedback is welcome my intention here is not to rage it's to find a way to be able to play, and maybe my experience can help the pro's calm down a little bit when it comes to newer players.
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