I just installed the patch over a copy I downloaded from Origin as part of The Ultimate collection and whenever I click "Play offline", it just crashes. the Launcher window goes away and nothing happens. No load attempt, no screen changes, nothing. It just acts like I quit straight out.
Any idea how to fix this?
I'm on Windows 7.
Also, FWIW, the download link given for the RA1 patch gives me a virus alert when I try to download the patch.
EDIT: False alarm on the TibSun problem. Turns out there was a process running for the game's executable, so every time I tried to start up the game again from the launcher, it would think the game was already running and not do anything. I quashed that process and now everything seems to be running smoothly.
So... yeah. Crisis averted.
Still get a virus warning from that RA patch link though.