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Everything posted by Barlakopofai

  1. Why didn't you tell me I couldn't use hires resolutions? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMcEobFx6B8 LOOK! IT RUNS FINE IN 1024x768. I can just put in some custom background and crop 8 pixels and it'll be great
  2. I'm sure I won't have a problem with Tiberian Sun either, except I don't really like that game :I
  3. Today I learned Command and Conquer games are locked at 30 FPS
  4. No bandicam listed and playing on a potato Like I said, I'm not paying 50$ for just Fraps again. Plus, I'm sure your PC must be so great if you hang out on CnCnet. Can you even run Command and Conquer Red Alert 3? Actually, I'm gonna go record C&C 3, to see if that's recordable
  5. Here's a little taste of what it looks like when I try to record https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5mujWECkoY
  6. If you're only recording multiplayer RA2/YR matches (which usually don't go for that long), Bandicam has a free version that allows you to record 10 minute files. With a watermark...
  7. Anyways, new problem The fun machine takes a shit and dies when I start recording. Everything else still runs at perfectly good speed, but the game just decides it will not submit
  8. I know, it's all a marketing ploy so you'll watch my videos :I
  9. Anyways, XSplit doesn't work either
  10. Well if I applied the patch to the Origin version of the game and all it did was crash it, I think it qualifies :/
  11. Does the patching work with the origin version of the game?
  12. And that's why Fraps doesn't work on Windows XP
  13. I don't have both, I just told you, I don't have Bandicam and I'm not spending another 50$ on a recording software to record one game
  14. Good news, I spent 47$ on Fraps to spend another 49$ on Bandicam
  15. I've been trying to record the game for two days now, no hope. I'm playing the Ultimate Collection version, and here are the problems 1. Fraps does not recognize Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 2. Red Alert 2 cannot tab out while open 3. Origin blocks the game from being run in Windowed mode, because the expansion pack window that opens makes it ignore command lines 4. OBS cannot screen capture the monitor with that game on it 5. OBS cannot screen capture a game that is not open yet There's seriously not a single person that can help me fix this anywhere
  16. Also, their first tier defense structure is 1000 credits for an all-purpose direct-hit turret which completely locks down air and light armor assaults in a 10 tile radius.
  17. :c I could probably do it if I could find the code
  18. :/ And if I want to play offline for now?
  19. Is there a quick fix to make it recognize I have a mouse? I'm on a laptop, and I can't get a USB mouse. However, I do have a touch pad and a touch screen, and it doesn't recognize either.
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