Just want to report some bugs and crashes on C&C 95: Tiberian Dawn.
If it helps, I did my entire playthrough on Windows XP SP3. I was using the most up to date game version - 1.06c v3.
I had plenty of random crashes throughout. Sometimes they happened once a mission, sometimes not at all. On one GDI mission it crashed to the desktop 5 times in a row.
I was basically saving everytime I made a big move, worried the game could crash at any moment.
Another bug I noticed, albeit minor, was with alt-tabbing. Anytime I alt-tabbed and then returned to the game, the start menu would cut off an inch off the game. It was still playable, but if I was at the bottom or top of a map some enemy units could be not be targeted.
Another bug, which only happened maybe 3 times, was with the menu. I would hit escape to save my game and I could not click or move my mouse at all. I also could not navigate with the arrow keys. Alt-tabbing did not fix this issue... The only way to resolve this was ctrl+alt+del and I would lose my mission progress if I didn't save.