TRZ you arrogant tool why don't you shut up and go play your ww maps and understand there are two types of players on here mods and ww
being a ww player don't make you better for the reason you know what your limits are
ww maps you have to constantly move your base aswell so you wouldn't know how to manage a large scale army coming at you and if there is one small entrance you can simply work round it
create a small base and build on the inside of opponents base ect
ww maps have on strategy kill your opponent as quick as possible because im fucked if they get an army of jets or troops
mods make you need to use a strategy o shit thats a lot of jets coming at me i think i need more sams
or shit thats alot of troops i need to build more lazer/rpg or more units to survive this
so basically instead of ill kick your arse on any mod map understand there is a strategy needed
thats all i got to say normally im a man of little words and more action but in your case go crawl back into your small minded hole of the world