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Everything posted by Skitoritto

  1. It is a Real Time Tactical Strategy, so It is all about micro management and nothing about base building.
  2. Thanks Humble! I don't have the manual..
  3. I have been playing versus the AI in order to get better at this game, but something is really annoying me. Sometimes during my games one of my buildings gets randomly hit by a big laser, I tried to find that thing while playing without any opposition but could not find it. Is it a cheat AI uses or did I miss it?
  4. The day before I have spilled hot "instant coffee" (It was Liquid) over my mouse. After cleaning it and drying it out I connected it, it did not work so I went to Genius's site to download the drivers needed. After I have done that I was able to move the cursor and scroll, but rest of the buttons where not responding. Middle mouse button would occasional work by itself, but the left and right gave no sounds of life. Could it be short circuit caused by the coffee that is preventing me from using the mouse, and if so what if anything can I do to fix this issue?
  5. Same scenario, only this time it shown me the main-menu and then froze. I have tried default settings when I tried to play multiplayer the first time. So I am guessing it has something to do with compatibility and/or lack of something? [Edit] I fixed it by reseting the settings and making following changes: VideBackBuffer [ON] Disable Max Windowed Mode [ON] Use Improved FPS Limiter [ON] 1360x768 Resolution
  6. I am using the latest Gruntmods installation [], I have tried to run "dune2000-spawn.exe" and it did start. The intro video rolled out and after it finished I got this http://prntscr.com/7xxuqz . I was not able to use my mouse anywhere but on my windows tool bar. And no, I don't have anything but the Gruntmods version, no other custom patches.
  7. It does not happen when I play skirmish games or play the campaign, but it always happens when I am about to get into a multiplayer game. When the game's "window" becomes black it gives me some kind of a notification with nothing on it. What should I do to fix this? I use Windows 8.1 This is what I get http://prntscr.com/7xroas .
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