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About Elearen

  • Birthday 07/31/1989

Elearen's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. This thread was impressive lol. Someone got attacked because they wanted a "bug fix" reinstated. Not unreasonable! If you want to keep the game 'authentic', complete with all bugs and erratic behaviour, I can understand that, it's the same as the classic wow community. However, it's not necessarily the best thing for the game. I see another thread on here "How can we attract more players to Tiberian Sun?" Applying a known fix to bad unit behaviour seems useful. It's ok for "bug fixes" to affect the pro metagame. It doesn't have to be stale and unchanging. I've watched a bunch of pro TS games and the infantry and mk2/carryall micro is certainly impressive, but a fresh take on things can be a good thing. Especially if it helps people get into the game.
  2. I've been having a lot of trouble trying to get RA2 / YR to work on Windows 10. Specifically I am trying to get C&C Reloaded to work but at this stage I'll settle for just the base game After EXTENSIVE trial and error I am certain that this copy protection incompatibility is the issue. I've tried a whole host of different 'solutions' from the most basic to the most complex. I've tried using different game clients and the originals and third party plugins etc. This guy seems to be on the same track. Running the game starts the main executable process but it hangs without creating a window. Sticks to 1.5 Mb RAM and 30% CPU usage and does nothing at all. Annoyingly I haven't actually been able to find any nocd patches for YR yet. Out of all the fixes I think it would work. TFD patcher doesn't work because I'm using the original installs because I don't have my TFD disk anymore and the origin ultimate collection version can't handle mods (afaik).
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