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Everything posted by Commander001

  1. When I host a game in YR online, I always seem to be limited tech wise. All players are, no matter the map. Can't build harriers, or any advanced units, sort of the tech you see in mission 3 of RA. Basic tanks, that's about it. But it's fine on skirmish! It drives me mad that i can't hose games anymore! Any ideas as to why this is?
  2. It'd be fantastic if we could bring it back- or even a version of it, more so for those who didn't get the chance to play it first time round...
  3. Hello all, newby here, loving the games and site, you folk do brilliant work! see you all on the games
  4. Not sure if this is the right area for this, but what the heck. Anyone remember the good days of Tiberium Sun and Firestorm's online World Domination Tour? Sadly I never got the chance to play it-though I had a friend who did- so here's a thought for the CnCNet guys- why not have a World Domination Tour for all the games you do? Have teams of something like 10max per side, play over hundreds of maps each interlocking with the next- like Emperor: Battle for Dune's campaign, with a HQ, and play over days and days, build units you want and send them in transports to conquer areas- even have multiple players in one go. Of course there would need to be designated areas for those attacking to go in and build a base, but otherwise it should be fun! Who else thinks this is a good idea?
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