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Everything posted by FunkyMike

  1. Hi FunkyFr3sh! Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I will reinstall the game and report back. When I was playing with the Rendering options I have found that only the TS-DDraw option works. All the other options give me = "Error - Unable to Set the video mode" Edit: I reinstalled the game and behold .. the menus work. So naturally I wanted to see if I can recreate that bug. I uninstalled all things C&C. (I however did not touch the registry) I reinstalled (without cinematics) No issues on the default render and the menus show. Now all the renders work. However on TS-DDraw the menus do not show. A mate of mine installed it for the first time too and the menus do not show for him on any render. I will try to "recreate" it properly by cleaning the registry too. Edit 2: Okay so I had more time to play around: I was not able to recreate the non working render issue. Maybe I didn't clean the registry enough and something corrected itself on 2nd install. I will wait to see on the results from my mate. What I have discovered is that on the Single Player campaign all the renders lag a bit besides the TS-DDraw. The only issue is that TS-DDraw has those invisible ingame menus BUT On skirmish the ingame menus work with this render! The only similar report I found came from this fellow: I hope this helps somehow FunkyFr3sh! Somehow I have a strange feeling (like maybe a bug I recall from 15 years ago) that the menu issue has got to do with the No-CD patch. Maybe I am totally off-point on this and just imagined it. If I can help then let me know!
  2. Hi All, I just stumbled across this awesome project! Much respect & well done to everyone involved. There seems to be an issue with the menus inside the game as mentioned in this post. Is the fix already integrated in the TSInstaller or do I need to grab it from here? Sorry if this seems like a silly question! Edit: I installed the patch (nice look on the new GUI) however inside the game I still get invisible menus. Where am I going wrong? Edit 2: Specs incase they help Win 10 10240 Intel HD 3000 / ATI 6850m
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