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  1. Hi, I just created a Tunnel Server for cnc because I like the game a lot and got free server capacity. I'm pretty sure my server is in Germany/munich, also have a Ping of 20 and i'm also in germany. But the Server list shows United States for it. Also tried traceroute and pings, but shows germany for me. [DE] insane EU Tunnel -
  2. Problem still there with new Version 1.59 mybe add an option that shows what files have been modded ? would help anyways. Or is there a tool ? I tried the clean up tool, but no sucsess
  3. same problem here... what version of YR do you use ? i have the 17years special edition with all cnc.
  4. Hi everyone, i just tried cncnet out and am happy to find this community as i like this games a lot. When i try to play YR i always get "The game host has kicked you from the game." and sometimes the client crashes. It takes me back to the lobby and loads all games and the lobby new. I forwarded port in router and firewall, Win7, v. 1.58 If the game crash i get: "Auf das verworfene Objekt kann nichgt zugegriffen werden. Objektname: "NGameLobby"." It means accses denied to object NGameLobby So its beacause of origin i guess xD Somebody able to tell me how to fix it ?
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