Looking through this thread the map shown in Matt's post has the position numbers on the map, where as I do not see those on most maps, and the few times that I do, I only see one spawn point number, and it is not actually on a spawn point. It looks like a few minor releases have come since then so did something break, or do I need to fix some settings? I am using the Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge bundle from Origin though I could pull out my TFD disk and try that instead. I am using Windows 10. I can play the game fine, it's just annoying when trying to do the co-op campaigns with friends when we can't see what spawn points are where.
Speaking of which, some of the co-op maps have the computer players adopt the same colors as the human players. Off the top of my head, Soviet and Yuri missions 1 do, while the Allies mission 1 gives the computer players their own colors. It's not a big deal since the units are all different, but just a little annoying. I do like everything overall it's just those minor annoyances.
On a side note, is there a way to play vanilla RA2 through it as well? The download on the site still pulls up the YR installer, and I don't see any settings to switch to Red Alert 2. I read somewhere on here that there was a classic mode setting, and that there were separate clients at one point as well. I believe that Red Alert 2 had some co-op missions as well, I'd be interested in playing those again if so. It's been long enough though that I may be confusing them with the YR ones lol.