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  1. Well I went ahead and restarted the mission, this time with the mod disabled when I hit restart and everything seems to have worked. It automatically put me in the next level. I'll try using the mod again now and see how things work. With any luck, that was the only bugged mission. I guess I should have tried this before posting, but too late to worry about that now.
  2. Hi, I am playing through the GDI campaign in the base game (specifically, the version that came in the Ultimate Edition). I installed the patch FunkyFr3sh posted here, along with the Tiberian Sun Enhanced mod. After beating the mission "Destroy Chemical Supply", I wind up getting a "Failed to initiate map selection" error and then get kicked all the way back to the first GDI mission. My first thought was that the TS Enhanced mod broke something, so I tried finishing the level from a copy of the game I made before I installed the mod (the other patch was still active since I can't play the game without it). Even without TS Enhanced, I get the same warning. I was loading a save from just before I beat the level when I tried without the mod (amazingly, it didn't crash), I haven't tried restarting the level. I can skip the level and just play the next one and everything seems to work fine (I've actually beaten the next level at this point, just to see what would happen). This issue happens whether I put Ghost Stalker on the train or not (so it isn't related to the hidden mission). Has anyone ever encountered something like this before? The only results I see when I search for "Failed to initiate map selection" are all from modders trying to debug custom campaigns. I can keep playing the save I have, but I just don't like leaving bugs like this alone (it would suck if after beating this mission I get locked out of finishing the campaign because the issue came up again). If it helps, I'm using Windows 10.
  3. Okay, thank you for the reply. I guess my friend and I were just unlucky lol, actually in hindsight both times it was when we picked red and yellow. I could probably find the original Red Alert 2 co-op levels online somewhere then, the main reason why I want to play those is that my friend is new to Command and Conquer, and they are decent for teaching him how to play. Each one gives the different commanders a slightly different strategy which allows me to teach him how RA2 handles naval warfare, tank rushes, etc. Still need to teach him that when superweapons are enabled that it's a bad idea to have all your buildings right next to each other. He keeps getting nuked lol.
  4. Looking through this thread the map shown in Matt's post has the position numbers on the map, where as I do not see those on most maps, and the few times that I do, I only see one spawn point number, and it is not actually on a spawn point. It looks like a few minor releases have come since then so did something break, or do I need to fix some settings? I am using the Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge bundle from Origin though I could pull out my TFD disk and try that instead. I am using Windows 10. I can play the game fine, it's just annoying when trying to do the co-op campaigns with friends when we can't see what spawn points are where. Speaking of which, some of the co-op maps have the computer players adopt the same colors as the human players. Off the top of my head, Soviet and Yuri missions 1 do, while the Allies mission 1 gives the computer players their own colors. It's not a big deal since the units are all different, but just a little annoying. I do like everything overall it's just those minor annoyances. On a side note, is there a way to play vanilla RA2 through it as well? The download on the site still pulls up the YR installer, and I don't see any settings to switch to Red Alert 2. I read somewhere on here that there was a classic mode setting, and that there were separate clients at one point as well. I believe that Red Alert 2 had some co-op missions as well, I'd be interested in playing those again if so. It's been long enough though that I may be confusing them with the YR ones lol.
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