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Everything posted by GoldenGonaz

  1. Still down for me, same issue
  2. What is wrong with registering? I think that's a far better idea, we can create ranks and win/loss ratio and dc/quit stats for users then. Registration should be an option at least - then users can grab their own username and make game rooms for registered users only, registered users could have rep based on the criteria above.
  3. Your capability to block cheats is limited? You do know your number 1 bullet point before downloading this game is: If it doesn't take too long can you - or anyone else - link me/us to any software that allows us to screenshot/video record the game. I would have had evidence of this guy but my screen record didn't capture the game just my desktop and print screen was blank. Banning [ir]Iran is a no brainier you don't need proof from us, he is in this very topic admitting it.
  4. Are cnc really bothered about cheating? I don't think so. This same guy [ir]Iran is still using cheats, they're not blocked and he still continues to play - at least block his username so he can't continue to build his rep which he loves so much. In a FFA match just now (he is online now) he used some weird 'Rambo' looking infantry unit which doesn't get auto targeted by your own units, so can only be killed with difficulty by pressing 'Ctrl'. This mean sit cna walk right into your base and not get attacked by units or defence weapons. The unit is fast and shoots infantry instantly just like a navy seal and blows up entire buildings in a single shot too with a sort of launcher gun. He is happy to be reported, I tried taking a screenshot of the unit but unfortunately it came out grey. I did get a shot of his game room name...
  5. The past week has been awful, can't connect to cnc, forum down, reconnection errors, lobby issues, game not updating, incompatible users, tunnels down, can't create games and probably more issues I've forgotten. What has happened? This was seamless a few weeks back, now it's a mess every time I log on. I had to try 4-5 times to post this topic because nginx keeps timing out.
  6. The past week has been awful, can't connect to cnc, forum down, reconnection errors, lobby issues, game not updating, incompatible users, tunnels down, can't create games and probably more issues I've forgotten. What has happened? This was seamless a few weeks back, now it's a mess every time I log on. I had to try 4-5 times to post this topic because nginx keeps timing out.
  7. The past week has been awful, can't connect to cnc, forum down, reconnection errors, lobby issues, game not updating, incompatible users, tunnels down, can't create games and probably more issues I've forgotten. What has happened? This was seamless a few weeks back, now it's a mess every time I log on. I had to try 4-5 times to post this topic because nginx keeps timing out.
  8. The past week has been awful, can't connect to cnc, forum down, reconnection errors, lobby issues, game not updating, incompatible users, tunnels down, can't create games and probably more issues I've forgotten. What has happened? This was seamless a few weeks back, now it's a mess every time I log on. I had to try 4-5 times to post this topic because nginx keeps timing out.
  9. The past week has been awful, can't connect to cnc, forum down, reconnection errors, lobby issues, game not updating, incompatible users, tunnels down, can't create games and probably more issues I've forgotten. What has happened? This was seamless a few weeks back, now it's a mess every time I log on. I had to try 4-5 times to post this topic because nginx keeps timing out.
  10. The past week has been awful, can't connect to cnc, forum down, reconnection errors, lobby issues, game not updating, incompatible users, tunnels down, can't create games and probably more issues I've forgotten. What has happened? This was seamless a few weeks back, now it's a mess every time I log on.
  11. The past week has been awful, can't connect to cnc, forum down, reconnection errors, lobby issues, game not updating, incompatible users, tunnels down, can't create games and probably more issues I've forgotten. What has happened? This was seamless a few weeks back, now it's a mess every time I log on.
  12. Yeh I noticed he been opening rooms just for Q&A about his cheat program. He think he's some sort of celebrity haha. I am sure it won't affect certain maps, only standard games.
  13. No one is bashing him, what you are suggesting is exactly what has already happened, I believe it is banned and doesn't work for him now. He found a loophole it was reported and is now blocked. However you are making him to be something for the good of the game which he is not, he didn't come to cncnet and say 'guys I found this loophole you should patch it up', he was activity using it to cheat. First of all while he was allied with humans and against Al, but surely he'd have used it human vs human it was only a matter of time. No one sits and makes a cheat tool and doesn't use it fully or sell it or share it.
  14. He doesn't just have President IFV the trainer has other options too, he told me earlier when I saw him online in a lobby. Good job banning these things guys!
  15. In his defence we were allied all 3 of us vs the computer, so he didn't actually attack us with the trainer. Not in that game anyway, but we did tell him it was lame, kind of took the fun away from what we were doing. He built nothing while we attacked etc etc and then he suddenly built 5 IFVs and added presidents and boom, he took the enemy out.
  16. It wasn't a custom map, it was Bay of Pigs. I checked my custom maps too, just to make sure it wasn't a Bay of Pigs lookalike. Nothing there, so it definitely was the official Bay of Pigs map. Also I should add he was Soviet - Iraq - and his base had no Allied MVC (we were allied so I could watch) so but he still built the IFV.
  17. I doubt it's a guy who knows anything about RA2, as he didn't know what the trainer was he just downloaded it. Besides, surely trainers should be blocked? Someone has found a way around it.
  18. User [ir]Iran successfully used a trainer in RA2 Yri game just now (15 mins ago) (which he freely admitted) to create the classic President IFVs that are indestructible and shoot prisms. We played multiplayer on cncnet (which [ir]Iran hosted) and the game didn't error, we played for an hour or so and the game completed. It was 3 humans vs 3 Brutal AI. He didn't say what the trainer was called he just said the name of it was 'all in Chinese' which could mean any language without standard English characters I guess. Not sure if I posted this in the right place or if it's been discussed before, cheating is said to be banned on cncnet, thought I'd make someone aware that a certain trainer is successfully being used.
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