It seems that a g line is in effect that is blocking me from logging in to any of the game surge servers. Do you guys have any way of determining why?
This is an example of one of the errors -
( [12:23 PM] * ERROR :Closing Link: avan by Prothid.NY.US.GameSurge.net (G-lined)
( [12:23 PM] * Connection lost - Attempting to Reconnect...
( [12:23 PM] * Connection lost - Attempting to Reconnect...
I found a utility on the game surge website that "tells you why"-
1 G-line found for your host.
Expires: 01/08/2017 01:09:29 PM EST
Reason: AUTO Your IP address has been listed at EFnet RBL. Please use http://rbl.efnetrbl.org/?network=GameSurge&i= to get the listing removed.
But then efnetrbl says
my ip was not found active in the database.
Bans set on specific IRC servers are outside our control, so please contact the server/network staff directly for immediate ban removal.