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Everything posted by Mahbod
You have to admit, it would be a first As far as I'm concerned, the non-liability clause applies to any free software, no matter what it does to perform its functions. You download it, you choose to use it. It can eat your hard disk, set your keyboard on fire or cause Martians to land in your back yard, but you installed it, so it's not our fault. Oh, hey. In fact that's exactly the license of my C&C95 patch. Except I added a "no whining" clause. Let's just go ahead and add that to cncnet's installer My head hurts, please stick to programming. thank you you cant false advertise you have to have a t&c tyou have to let the community know the issues and flaws you have no outlined anything i dont care if its free you have to let them know what your software does you cant advertise this and it does that?, either way you obvious dont know i highly suggest you fix and create a t&c and patch your flaws asap and get the fuck over your pride accept when your wrong
You are the one running the program. It doesn't start or install itself. As long as you don't run it, nothing of that kind happens, and you know what it does once you start it up. If you think that's some kind of security concern... simply don't use it. By starting the program, you give it permission to run and act as it's supposed to act. maybe you dont understand how the law works champ, when you provide a service you must outline all things, which hasnt been done not every person is as educated as me and checked every loop whole your whole server has you understand? i am playing " with cncent' under the impression that i am safe on your service or apprently thats not how the law works so but if you really think what your doing is legal lets see my legal knowledge and resources vs cncnet? we can see how long you last. i can promise you 1 week i will have cncnet down and force you to patch all security exploits and a t&C right now your committing fraud people come to play here believing its safe clearly its not. and you never outline how the program "acts" wanna play? or wana just accept what im telling you cause im trying to help, this is my approach with people who are in denial and salty
lets not get technical, this is a breach it cannot be automated there was no T&C stating any of this, just b.c it gets checked by ur server doesnt make it legal still a breach and you know as well as i that you can hide code to fool the server. still this has to be manual some type of notification or otpion to disbale auto transfers so what if im the server? or the host of the tunnel if i am the server i can do many things to fool the processes of " the file is okay" once again lets not get all genius cause at 13 i was doing this shit im 28 now i have my ccie bro your playing with fire.
i did not agree to any t&C that allows a instant established connection between client and host that has full read write rights to my hard drive. with out my consent. when joining another players hosted game for example map transfer. this is a serious breach of security i highly suggest you patch immediately before you get a law suit so big cncnet gets shutdown. ALso cncnet.org/funkyfr3sh/logs or what ever is a breach of privacy this cannot be public fix. id be more discrete but unfortunately i cant contact any one since the new security u added on irc.
lol what did u do, you took it down and added a key to the channel and changed it, now i cant see the data of games ... no longer gives me game data details when i join cncnet-yr to the console but instead a new channel appeared with a key that logs the data?.. #cncnet_d2_46867793 unable to join channel (need correct key) same as the freenode channel certificate security to keep me out ^_^. also your logfile thats public and updates in real time shouldnt be public
to a fresh clean start eh?, why cant it always be this good? oh i can host the tunnel oh GG ahaha, also i sitll cant see cncnet-yr in /list i need the information that provides 0 -ty i can do alot of stuff being the host.. especially cheating if all data is comming to me also, can you give me the certificate for irc for freenode #cncnet so we can move forward?
i may be interested in that. and what about the unban?
the tunnels are more laggy then USUAL LOTS OF PACKETLOSS my games are not as smooth as usual and why the fuck did you take down the Sydney tunnel? oh wait thats right NOT ENOUGH TRAFFIC on the TUnnel NO MONEY? SO LETS TAKE IT DOWn how the fuck can me and buffalo practice now. OH plox HELP nEwq0k g0d mifi can you also unban the Ip address you see from irc eu.irc.cncnet.org from the channels #cncnet #cncnet-yr thanks. this is a corporate IP i really dont want to have to proxy just to access it thanks.
Cheating (using trainers/modified units) in multiplayer
Mahbod replied to GoldenGonaz's topic in Red Alert 2
Now now, don't be naughty. We can do show and tell. Who said $100? I didn't. For the record, you can run this on a crappy $5 VPS but the reliability is worth exactly that. In the beginning it was about being cheap, now it's about being reliable as we've grown to such scale we can't afford to be down anymore. You are quite right. No one has claimed the ratio is 1:1. Some people are more generous than others and some give what they can because of the economy. Every $1 adds up. And they do? No one in the staff is being paid for their work and people get in the staff by contributing to the project. Simple as that. If your "hacking" skills are as good as your English, I'm terrified. your amazing champ. keep living in the delusional world your in. we both know u all accused me heck i was the one who fucking told you ur being ddosed u stupid fuck why do you talk shit? the irc keeps the chat logs. you just eat and shit it dont you, you just said you make more then 1:1 ratio but no on profits from this? fuck cunt you are delusional as wigan but my reputation> yours so when you achieve a name like me you can talk big script kiddie. your right i cant hack i cant spell either fucking shit talking wannabes -
Cheating (using trainers/modified units) in multiplayer
Mahbod replied to GoldenGonaz's topic in Red Alert 2
That's true for the most part. You can't ban anyone completely ever so there's usually no reason to even try. You ever wonder why we don't permanently ban you from the forums? Usually known cheats can be detected and prevented. When new cheats are created and admins get access to them we try to find a way to detect it and prevent the use. Players are always welcome to anonymously give us cheats they find. Because hosting all this is free? Hacking the servers? Don't see anything hacked. *tumbleweed* Nobodies are not allowed to create useful services for others for no cost? I'm sorry, I didn't know. We will return you the money immediately to fix this injustice. get off ur high horse you stupid fuck, your full of shit cunt i have recordsing of u fucking script kiddies accusing me, it cost about 100$ a month to rent a server a srever needed for irc and say 400 users? cunt yopu are FUCKING dreaaaaaming, the amount of moeny u fucking shit fucks make from the traffic off cncnet, tunnels irc and what not + adds out weights the cost of servers. now stop shti talking and actually listen to fucking people and what they want if ur hands are tied people are willing to help for free people who greatly know more then you. be patient ill show u how shit the sceurity is soon -
thanks wigan, thanks for letting us now how fucking mentally delussional and retarded u are and SHIT at the game first off. dont ut hin ive tried peace talks u stupid FUCk>? do u have any idea how administration business or the world operates? THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK CUNT they just want ur money, iF peace talks worked then the world wouldnt be at war with terroism and shit but you who has no FUCKIGN idea how anything operates just sits tehre reading his delusional bibble and commenting, you grow up u delussional cunt cause u have nO FUCking idea how the world words, i want dont the repsect of some 1 as retarded and intelligent as you, and there wont be a cncnet soon ill make sure of that b/c cunts like you is what piss me off "retards"
Cheating (using trainers/modified units) in multiplayer
Mahbod replied to GoldenGonaz's topic in Red Alert 2
they couldnt ban you even if they wanted change change your ip host address by 1 or subnet if you need, cheating? they cant stop that either. were in the processes of hijacking the whole server fuck these fucks they just leech money and do nothing else, theyve alrdy tried to ban me several times and accuse me of hacking the servers there just a bunch of nobodies -
it looks like you guys wana SHIT were you eat and its clear its your first time doing business, if i cannot get into that irc channel by end of today mark my words there wont be any channels to run there will be no cncnet.
Since WOL gave up on this game and left it unfinished and unbalanced as the source code clearly has notes stating this anyways. ive made some minor changes to specific units, in order to create diversity in unit options and strats, more focus on micro/macro battles, greatly reduced CHEESY SHIT(turtling/massingabusing, winning isnt dictated by being rushed, or droning the miner, or landing that deso or rushing tech or spamming a specific unit or just relying on 1 thing to turn the tides. UNITS: changed ( to experiment and try) NOte this is targeted for more high level competitive play, only actual good players would understand the general idea im trying to do there. desolator mirage service depos chaos drone magnetron grizzly rhino mastermind yuri bunkers pillbox + sentry armour types damage % reduction seal bf cost terror drone - Disc ( ive already had some good feedback from some good players so i know im on the right track ) any more is welcome EDIT: ive made more changes and tweaks and re uploaded updated version EDIT: ive made more changes and tweaks and re uploaded updated version
You're an idiot. right. stick to selfies oh and it works on yuris too
im not a coder. i specialize in network security/design/infrastructure,neways you dont need to add code, just need to adjust the value eg units health/damage/range/move speed and ore regeneration rate just minor number changes the codes already there. and for increasing better netcodes i can only suggest in terms of networking, i used to do this before blizzard caught on, i had forced increase rate of network and cpu cycles(downstream/latency) on my machine which would force that server side too, drastically reducing delay at the cost of more load on the server (hence why blizz eventually found out) but what it did was reduce my delay from about 2 seconds to about 0.5 from WEstern australia to uswest. the same can be applied on these tunnels and player client side. this also worked on software like GG (good game areana) software that was used for warcraft 3 via lan protocal cncnet gui is no different as networking is universal.this method of networking is already self implemented in next gen games for exmaple starcraft 2 and for hacks as i said im not a coder, however i know everything there is to this game, so i can tell pretty quickly if somebody is not legit in any manner.
my motives are good direct and efficient if the admins are willing to work with me ill ensure there is 0 possible cheats, better net codes. @tahj are the admins willing to patch the game to balance it? a few changes will make the game more enjoyable.
i will get back to you in detail, of all bugs exploits loop holes and bypasses , i invented most of them now there is a issue with the map hack scanner its scanning for changes in memory and what not (new gen hacks are hidden within hardware), how ever you can edit the colour of the shroud to be transparent which wont trigger any changes in code or be detected unless the game is recorded. i will do it and show you a fraps of how i do it also.