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Everything posted by martin1b

  1. Whenever we run RA2, the moment someone drops paratroopers, we all get a reconnection error. When playing while avoiding this, we haven't seen the error. Running latest CNCNet.
  2. Hi all, When playing multiplayer on LAN, I want to have several humans playing against bots. Sometimes when I start the game, it says 'Alliance formed' and some of the bots have alliances formed with a human player. I have the 'Allies Allowed' unchecked. Any idea how to prevent this so the bots stay on their team? Bill
  3. I've played TS for a long time on LAN. Due to sync issues and the game dropping players, we tried Online and it worked great. However, today I tried and no longer have an option to start a new game. I'm wondering if I'm blacklisted or something. Getting the following message : . [08:45 PM] * *** Looking up your hostname [08:45 PM] * *** Checking Ident [08:45 PM] * *** Couldn't look up your hostname [08:45 PM] * *** No ident response [08:45 PM] * Welcome to the GameSurge IRC Network via NFOServers.com, Z Prothid.NY.US.GameSurge.net- Highest connection count: 2 (1 clients) [08:45 PM] -Global- [users] Notice from ThiefMaster, posted 01:47 PM, 04/09/2015: [08:45 PM] -Global- We've just started cloaking the IPs of all users on connect. This should improve your privacy and also lower the risk of being targeted by packet kiddies
  4. Looks like the reg keys were removed in your link. Can you either attach them or tell what the values where? Thanks!
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