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Everything posted by jadran

  1. Well yes, it is easy to read once you know all the shortnames. Now it looks to me like IF THEN ELSE with cordinates. :-) and big help was google that got me to jonc101 where I found cncmaker.txt file Yes! they just stay there doing nothing if all units don't go out of chinook. I will play other campaigns from SCG090.MIX and report if some other one is not working. It is realy nice to see all those missions in one big mega pack, especially when they work as they should.
  2. Hi! that is the reason why I c/p your statement here, it was helpfull topic You can replicate the crash if you add at15, at16, at17 at the begginig of scenario or any where in script. And yes, I am not bloking waypoints. I removed at15 but added another Atk_B3 with same units as in B0 and B2 teams and change waypoint becuause (please tell me if I am wrong) waypoints are on the edge of map, and what I found out is that all units from teamtype will not go out of chinook if there is no space around him. That is what looks to me. I am no map maker, this is mine first time even looking in ini files, so I must be wrong, but I think it is good thing to report if something is not working. That is funny part, all units don't go out of chinook if there is no space arround him. So I just added the waypoint where is space around, but still not to close to main base, because chinooks (that are landing in side your base) are destoyed in air by towers and Mtank.
  3. Hi to all. This is mine first time posting here. I like to play campaigns in mine spare time and this huge collection is golden! Yesterday I played: SCG094EA - Tiberium Island by Andy Bridges and found some bugs in missions. - 05 is finished at beggining because MCV is comming to late, ending the game before you even start. - 07 is giving crash error: 0x00498f6b in cnc95.exe because 3 reinforcement at the end of a mission are comming in same time (as I learned from google = blocked reinforcements are crashing the game) I changed 05 and 07 ini files to work properly and finish the campaign. corresponding ini files are in zip. Hope it helps, and thx once more for great collection. SCG094EA_fix.zip
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