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Everything posted by tobbabobba

  1. What does that error message mean in English? ( Det oppstod et unntak i løpet av en WebClient-forespørsel. ) "There was an expeption during a WebClient-call" or something like that.
  2. No problem downloading your .exe file. Client.log attached. I've also tried changing the region settings to various contries, also tried changing the language of windows. Still same error :\ client.log
  3. I got some problems installing CnCNet on one of my computers. Win10 64bit - fresh ra2-yr install throuh origin, game launches fine. Tries to install CnCNet, get purple artifacts in logo similar to prior poster, then "customized cultures cannot be passed by lcid, only by name." -error. Tried to download CnCNet several times, restarted computer, checked that i have .Net 3.5 (see screenshot) , newest GeForce drivers. ...help cncnetclient.log
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