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Everything posted by tetsuo2010

  1. I figured it out. I opened Config and changed video to DDwraper instead of CnC DDraw and it worked. Sounds like a video problem. Also running RA95-spawn.exe directly would only put me in offline mode, yes it works though. Also, this isn't very well set up. I don't think there is one person who can just DL and have it work. You would have to change some setting in config to get it to work, i would suggest adding an additional instruction to mess with the config settings in order for the game to work. Because that is not very clear around here. Alrighty, talk to you later.
  2. I think i meant resolution, but im not worried i read somewhere you can full screen the game. Yes i ran Skirmish through the game not Cnc, started up a story mode and played one game on a small map. I have the same error when i try to play cnc skirmish mode adding an AI player. I am uploading Ra95crash.dmp hopefully that's the one you are reffering to. ...I played another mission all the way through this time offline story mode, and everytime after i complete one. The part where it tells you your stats, casualties and stuff. The game wants to crash, but then recovers. It will say program stopped, then i click and it recovers... I am playing on a laptop so maybe video has something to do with it. ra95crash.dmp
  3. Well, i get "RA95 spawn.exe has stopped working" after attempting to start a game. That's exactly what it says. I've tried rebooting, assigning compatability for win 7 and win xp rev 3, umm creating my own, still wont work. The game is funky playing in skirmish offline, it seems emulated since the screen is smaller and the scroll is different. I have 0 antivirus, firewall is shut down and i allowed anything that had a RA95 name to it, the Cnc program as well. The program is located at "c:\programfiles x86\redalert1_online" and the campaign is installed in the same folder. Running out of ideas...
  4. Someone told me there were game files to install? i clicked on DL and install for playing online...sooo downloading the campaign is anthoer option. Do i need to install campaign in order to play online? that makes no sense.
  5. hello, running win 7 here. I downloaded the program and it won't start a game. I keep getting RA95 spawn crash for multiplayer. Im amazed i can't find any similar problem already in the forums. someone told me to delete the program? and re-install the files... that make 0 sense. Why would this download have already corrupt files in it? that's just dumb. Anyway, i have run as administrator my settings should be fine. any help would be great.
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