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  1. Hi. I got the game off CnCNet and it still asks for a CD when I press single player. I have windows 7 and also downloaded your patch and clicked on cncnet5.exe which then downloaded more stuff. What should I do, is there any way to play the missions? Thanks!
  2. Thanks tomsons26 de-installing RB3086255 worked! It’s great!
  3. Hi I have an original red alert CD set (allied disk, soviet and yuris revenge) and have a windows 7 32-bin Samsung laptop. When I click install from the auto-run or directly click on the setup.exe nothing happens, not even an error message. I have tried running as administrator and with xp sp3 or 98. No matter what I do nothing happens each time. The weird thing is that I used to have both installed and yuri worked. I wanted to play the RA2 campaigns so I uninstalled the game and tried reinstalling RA2 but now nothing works and I can't even play yuris revenge anymore either! But even now if I insert the yuri disk I can get to the install menu, but obviously I can't install it without RA2. Can anyone help me please? Thanks!
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