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Pjotr Vyglidalovic

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About Pjotr Vyglidalovic

  • Birthday 10/04/2002

Pjotr Vyglidalovic's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Ok, thanks man. Can you really tell or help me, how to create video? I really don't find tutorial, how to use this tool....
  2. The only place i know where you can download that is through pirate and well they aren't trustworthy, i just recommend getting the Ultimate Collection. No! I not gonna buy all 17 games from EA Shits for 30 Euro! But thanks for message.
  3. I just want to know where i can get editor for movies what use Westwood. Like in: Tiberian dawn and Red alert.
  4. Hello, do you know where i can download Renegade? show me where i can download full updated version of CnC Renegade :puppydog:
  5. I have Win7. I download renegade. (Fuck you origin, i will not buy all 17 games for renegade)
  6. Ok, thanks man. I watch your youtube channel, not bad. I also see on your channel you recording CnC generals, sorry for that EA suck. I just hate them because they crush the Westwood. Then they create new game: CnC Generals. But that's ok, go and play generals!
  7. This ist another post from me. Maybe second, but anyway. I just read from some guy (i don't know his name) how to play Command and Conquer Renegade multiplayer (online). There was some thing's what's need for it. I must have fully update Renegade with some community patches. I install the update patch from westwood for renegade and bam! I can't launch the game. I try everything like: Launch game in compatible Windows XP pack3, but it wont work. Please, help me! I really wish to play with some players from world, not with bots.
  8. When i install the patch for Renegade. I can't launch game for unknow reason. But before i install the update patch, everything was fine. Please, help me!
  9. Thanks Man! IT WORKS! Withhout you, it will be never fixed. Really, thanks man.
  10. I just download Tiberian Sun online and Tiberian Sun and singleplayer. But there was one problem. When i start the Tiberian Sun singleplayer on Tiberian Sun launcher, i see the black screen. But game was ok. I right now know, i have to select another render mod. I go to setting and i choose render mod. But i can't. And why? Because the ddraw.dll ist used by another aplication. This will hapend when i choose the render mod and i select ok. It will say: ''access to way C:/Westwood/SUN/ddraw.dll was denied'' Please help! I almost write it enywhere.
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