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Everything posted by SubZ3r0

  1. What I see is "Gap it and Camp on him" style of map, imo what killed CNCNET competitivity is the enormous amounts of noobish maps like this where strategy and units control have 0 influence on the winning side, just spam navyards and you will be fine.
  2. My man, this map (and others) looks great, but doesn't play that good, thus the need for some edits to make it suitable for competitive games.
  3. Anyone got the script for those crates? I want to make some games with those 'evil crates' :laugh:, in general they the crates used in RA1 which add bad surprises like: - minimize the view (opposite to reveal all the map crate). - a bomb the explodes when an unit touch the crate. There are also some extra good surprises like: - Invisibility - a nuke! This will makes FFA games a lot more funnier, is someone got the script plz PM me a link or post it here
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