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  1. woah, how did you do it? i've tried to play ra2 and yr on mac but to my knowledge there is no existing version that supports mac.
  2. thank you for your help! i guess i'll wait 2 years then...
  3. yes, the word "fuck" is not punished by spamserv make spamserv great again!-donald duck
  4. greengamer

    RA2 mac

    I would like to download RA2 for mac but can't seem to find it anywhere, they told me it was on origin but EA put it out. does someone have a RA2 download for mac?
  5. awesome! also, is a mac version coming out soon? i would love to play RA2.
  6. This is not really a technical question but more a suggestion for future updates,I put it here because i didn't know where else to put it. I recently experienced insults and game bans because of my low experience with C&C (i never played C&C before) and the fact that I really suck at games, I am wondering if you could add difficulty levels for multiplayer, so people could play with players that are on there level and not get constantly banned " for being such a nub lol"
  7. The title says it all. my cursor dissapaers sometimes when i play the game. @funkyfr3sh
  8. I would want to know if you can install yuri's revenge music in red alert 1 on mac.@funkyfr3sh
  9. i recently installed cnc net red alert and the music does not play, when i go in the music settings, i put the music volume to a maximum and i notice that all the music tracks are there, but it still does not play!!! i saw a post on this forum that said that you should download the music but when i click the link, i get the typical "404 page not found" :ranting: help me! EDIT: note that the version i am playing is mac @funkyfresh :yo:
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