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Everything posted by dojodddd

  1. Yup, right indeed mate. I managed to complete the missions on HARD, so I did actually manage to beat the game. But was it fun? No. Watching my Titans, ghost stalker and Mammoth (the units i loved so damn much) die so easily just made the game look bad. And furthermore, thanks for the replies guys. Funny topic
  2. Still no one with a solid answer? Maybe C&C is not clear about it. But for example both Umagon and Ghost Stalker cant 1 shot an infantry unit in Medium or Hard mode. Again, hard should be about a way smarter enemy with more variaty in attack-styles and units, as it is already, but not in downgrading awsome units. That just isn't fun.
  3. Guys, I love the Command&Conquer games to bits! I started playing Tiberian Sun Firestorm since ages again yet i noticed something I really never tried before: Simply play the game in HARD mode instead of EASY. I read loads of stuff bout the differences, like enemy makes more money and use more and different units in strikes on you. But is it only me who thinks my units' firepower is decreased as well? In easy, i find my titans/tick tanks very heavy and usefull alrounders, yet in HARD i see them dieing so damn easy.. It's like they shoot slower, have weaker armour and less firepower. Any one else noticed it? Yes, the gameplay is way more of a challenge, yet -IF its true of course- decreasing units like that is no fun at all, just an annoying tease :puppydog:. Thanks
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