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  1. zizou

    ?C&C3 TS? no sound

    hey funky idk how to send pm here but can u pls unmute is enough now, u only mutet me becuz i call photon: jenny and fagfton and more i dont cry if he say something. and u listen to him to mute me. also mute mafia mute and than unute in 3 days and me for months off becuz off photon,.,,, u cant let him controll u thats not oke.. he let others people make people say bad things and come to you, just games and u fail into it. is he soo important for u that u mute me for 4 months ? and i am sorry to you if i did something u dont like,.... but is nott oke how u do it now for so long to me/.. u let me and mafia mutre becuz off photon and unmute him in 1 week and me ? i dont thinks its fair what u do for so long to me
  2. why dont mod show m,u messgaes??????????? why not aprove wtf ??? becuz i explain what happened? dutchi why u liee so hardand so much? i said those thingS????? ure ffking sick. show the pm i said those things like the uncle thing ????? hpw u make up this lies from where??? and like i hate cuz u jew??? why u fking lie???? i explained in 4 posts what happened en why the jew hitler thing against baron as u see above. mods dont aprove it? becuz off truth?? BARONM friends delete it cuz i tell what thwe couz off this all was??? RAUK said he can look lobby logs. we will see who lies oke ? u sick person
  3. ferret: why u banned just now??????? i was banned 24hours by RA168UK yesterday. and today at 18:28 player called'' jaap'' said to this attenseeker dutchi i love u newbie, het got mad. i told jaap ignore him, he look for attention again. than he (durtchi) told me in dutch:'' your cancermom and uncle, i hope they will get raped and killed by a terror group'' ???. i didnt report this and ignored it,. now see this here???? lies, here and u ban me ferret???? give me the reason and look back the lobby logs before u do this shit again. ra68uk wanted to go look up the logs and he said he will ban dutchi for this if this is true what he said . and its true go ask jaap and look logs before u ever ban again without explaination or facts. this attenseeker cried and lied and u believe witout known it??? go look the fking logs u will see what happened and what he said: ''your cancermam and uncle, i hope they will get raped and killed by a terror group''. i even ignored that and now ferret banned me for what??? RAUK i have spoken to you and u will find this out and bann this ffking lier for liie'ng so hard. even go ask Jaap for conform. i even just made an account just becuz i cant believe how he lie here and why thefck this ferret banned me this guy lie soo much about today. harrasment???? WTF how can u ffking lie here and not feel shame. someone go get the logss of 18:20 look what their stands and look how he says to me and get this straight. pure lie and hate. i ignored this guy 4weeks long while he put shit about me on lobby. attentionseeker screaming for attention like a girl for months RA68UK will u pls check this like u told me and get the truth above cuz i dont understand what just happened
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