hey funky
idk how to send pm here but can u pls unmute is enough now,
u only mutet me becuz i call photon: jenny and fagfton and more i dont cry if he say something. and u listen to him to mute me. also mute mafia mute and than unute in 3 days and me for months off becuz off photon,.,,, u cant let him controll u thats not oke.. he let others people make people say bad things and come to you, just games and u fail into it. is he soo important for u that u mute me for 4 months ?
and i am sorry to you if i did something u dont like,.... but is nott oke how u do it now for so long to me/.. u let me and mafia mutre becuz off photon and unmute him in 1 week and me ? i dont thinks its fair what u do for so long to me