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About D0cT0rDiZz

  • Birthday 02/01/1990

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  1. this would be an awesome feature!! and if its on RA cant be hard to get it on TS!
  2. i dont see how it could be to hard to make a quick match thing? or is their a lot to it? i mean they made the servers work and everyhting with ts
  3. yeah the match making would be a cool idea. but then again only thing with the match making is maps.... you wouldnt know what map u would be playing and could end up being some kind of mod map.. they would have to make the match making only play certain maps. do match macking 1v1's with all origonal ww maps no mod maps. that would be a good way its random to. so any regular ww origonal map you could end up with. would make more good players good all around and force you to learn every map except the mods. i feel that would be a great way to do it personally. i do like the match making idea tho i agree with that 100%
  4. i hear u their phen but the ladder just adds another part to the game competition wise. without it. whats the point to really play and get better to try to become the best if u cant ever be the best in a way? you know? yeah all us in our group know who the best are and where we all stand but it just adds another reason to work on progressing and everything. ive always enjoyed the ladder aspect of the game honestly
  5. another thing i dont understand is when ive been playing 1v1 or any games at that the ladder isnt updating them? but looking at other peoples its been updating theirs? why is this? is it only working sometimes the one the we do have or something?
  6. honestly any kind of ladder would be fine. i mean as for the dodging... the people who are actually looking at the ladder who know anything of anything know if one of the top people is a dodger and thats why. yeah its all relative to but it would just keep some kind of competitive part of the game going keeping it more fun for some people. even if we just got an actual clan system that we could use with a clan ladder. that in itself would be wonderful
  7. but till then might as well leave some kind of ladder up. they had a working ladder going on and now it seems like its not working as any 1v1 game or any game in general isnt being logged on it anymore? atleast leave that ladder up for now. but yes a quick match would work. i feel that would be an easy thing to set up aswell. you pick what map u want out of the maps eligible for it and if someone else picks that map or something. no matter what their will be some kind of dodging. like if you have a time limit... can surrender before that time if you didnt want to play the certain player. its just a part of tiberian sun i feel. and i also feel their is not as much "dodging" as their use to be. could make it so if hosting a ladder game if you are idle for X time it closes game so u cant really fake being away or something
  8. one way to attract players and keep them here on the game is an active working ladder and also clan ladder, it brings a different competition to the game. also tournaments. do them monthly or something... can do 2 of them one for ww players and one for modders. so them you get the most out of it people wise and stuff aswell. just my 2 cents. no competitiveness peope will get bored and quit i feel.... just my thoughts tho
  9. hey everyone. So I am just kinda curious and wondering about this. I saw their was a Ladder that was working for TS and now all of a sudden it has been down or not working for the past week or so? didnt know if their is a new one I dont know about or what was going on with it? Also have herd rumors about an active clan ladder that will be coming along. Was wondering about the progress on that aswell? I am an older player that just returned about 3 months ago and didnt even know cncnet was here till i randomly google searched TS one day and found it. AWESOME!! glad ts is still alive and going! Then saw a real ladder that was working!! EVEN BETTER!! and now its not -_-. I know i like the competitive side of the ladder and clan ladders, and i know a lot of the other top players do aswell but cant really find much info on whats going on with it. If I could get filled in with the details and such would be great!! also other players who want this stuff, please make it known we want this! maybe their isnt a much of a call for it as i think, or maybe theirs more of a call for it then the admistration thinks? Thank you for reading Brett
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