Hi there,
I am new to CNCNet but been playing RA1 for almost 15 years now. I often find myself wanting to play the ant missions on single player to mix up the game type (it's the closest thing to a "zombie" mode in this game) but I can't seem to figure out how to play it using the installer from this site. I have used other installers including the First Decade DVD which I own but I was unsuccessful at getting that install to work in high-res (tried several things including ARDA to no avail), but the installer from this site is absolutely the best in every other regard.
I've looked in the expansion missions menu and tried shift+clicking (and every other button on the keyboard) the speaker in the upper right but it does nothing. I have not actually played through the campaigns since I've installed it, however, but I'm not sure that matters.
Are the ant missions accessible in regular single player in any way in this install?
I saw this thread talking about ant mission multiplayer maps... I got a co-op game going with an AI teammate but it seems like the difficulty is cranked waaay up as it's borderline impossible playing by yourself (I can't even get an ore truck built before being completely overrun in the first 2 minutes).
The features.txt file mentions this:
24: New command-line arguments (Thanks to CCHyper):
-ANTMISSIONS: Starts the ant missions campaign if the Counterstrike expansion is enabled.
but I have no idea how to execute a command-line argument for the ra95launcher.exe file and I'm not sure if that is for single player or multiplayer.
Anyway, any ideas on how to play the original single-player ant missions?? Thanks for any and all help.