First, name the map then tell us your strategy.
I'm newb now so I do not play terrace anymore and have forgotten my reg map strats.
On Giant's of war 8 player (As GDI) I build one ref then after the war factory is up I build 2 apcs to send in to scout before building an extra harv then build 2 extra jj's to scout just in case the apcs do not work. Then, I tech up and dizzy you. After building 5 dizzys, I usually build up on bombers, titans and a couple of more refs then get my firestorm ready and begin expanding with an extra MCV, more helipads and war factories if I make it that far(Sometimes I do not worry about getting firestorm). I know it seems like kind of a strange strat but you might be surprised how often it works.
I am a little high right now so forgive me if I have fed the trolls.