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Everything posted by boumbo

  1. boumbo

    Mod maps

    I did that that but it did not work. For the custom maps which is in the “maps” folder, it is not an issue but the “mod maps” which are in separate folder it does not work. “Mod maps” is under “maps\yuri revenge’s\mod maps” folder, 2 levels down. please try to go to that “mods map” subfolder and do change the filename and then change the internal map name in basic setting. Then select mods map in game mode in the cnc client and see if u see the newly named map? For me once i do both, i dont see it in the cnc client.
  2. boumbo

    Sov maps

    i want to make a map which is only soviets or only allies. I saw maps that converts a yuri mcv to sov mcv - how to achieve that in final alert 2 ie convert an allies mcv to sov mcv for example or vice versa?
  3. Is it possible to download the rulesmd.ini as a text file somewhere if XCCmixer cannot be used/installed. Also, how do i know what unit in english (rocketeers, kirov, tanya, boris, robot, prism etc… ) is linked to abbreviation [ORCA], [BEAG] ? Is it part of that file also?
  4. boumbo

    Mod maps

    Hi i also have an issue. I am using cncnet. i tried to modify one of the maps thats is in the mod folder (which is also the mod maps as game mode) using text file. I did a small change. Changed the name of the map and also the speed game in the basic section using notepad, but in the cnc client the name did not change. Also, when i try to play this modified map in multiplayers online, i cannot play it anymore. Cncnet client is telling me the map is different from the other online players. Are mod maps loaded on the server? How did cncnet say it is different from others even though i changed the map name? I am just trying to modify an existing map to make it a “tank only” map with a different map name in cncnet but no success so far.
  5. boumbo


    Hello I installed ra2/yuri and found out the serial is banned for online playing. I saw this forum and I read I need to buy a serial number here to play one. So once I buy it, do I need to uninstall my current ra2/yuri to play and reinstall with new serial? Or just register online username with new serial is enough? B
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