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Everything posted by chrojin06

  1. Does anyone know a good map maker for Red Alert 2 other than Final Alert? Final Alert does not work for me.
  2. chrojin06

    Remove CnCnet

    The game I want to uninstall it from is Red Alert 2. Thanks for your help.
  3. chrojin06

    Remove CnCnet

    To delete CnC net from my game, do I just delete the client or is there more to it? Thanks, Chrojin.
  4. Whenever I try to create maps on Final Alert, this message that says ssleasy32.ddl game file is missing. How do I fix this?
  5. chrojin06

    RA2 Not working

    I played Red Alert 2 in the CnC client and thought it was pretty good, but ever since I got CnCnet for it, my original game has stopped working. I tried reinstalling but that didn't work. I don't know why this is or anything. Help?
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