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The Doctor

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  1. Hi FunkyFr3sh, that works now thanks. My issue now though is the mouse is so fast it darts around the screen when I move it and I can't click on anything. Would you know how to fix that? I do have the framerate limit and the 'automatically adjust sensitivity to resolution' options enabled in the config for your information. *Update* It's ok, I fixed it by setting the mouse hack to 'false' in the ddraw config. Latest Window's 10 developer update was my problem there by the looks of it. Thanks for the assist.
  2. Hi Nyerguds, Yeah I know cnc-ddraw fixes the issue, problem is on my machine the game crashes with the old memory exception error before the 'this program has stopped working' message appears. I have to play with ddraw off to play. It's not a big issue or anything, it was just something I was curious about as I know it was fixed for Red Alert with an updated installer. AchromicWhite - By 'map screen' I was talking about the mission select screen.
  3. Just wondering if the score and map screens will be fixed to fit the screen in the new update?
  4. Works great. Thanks very much.
  5. Quick RA 1 question. On playing at a higher resolution the game and videos are great. I was wondering though if anyone knows how to sort the main menu from not filling the screen? This also happens with the score and map screens. They become more of a smaller box in the centre or top left corner.
  6. Wondering if anyone has any idea's on a small issue I'm having. I'm using the Tiberian Sun patch (which is fantastic by the way) to finally play the game on Windows 10 and enjoy my favourite game in the series once more. I'm playing it at 1920x1080 but the cut scenes are doing the annoying display as a small box in the centre of the screen. I've been into the config file and set 'StretchMovies' to 'Yes' and it's not making any difference. Any idea's?
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