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  1. How to make vehicle's clone! vehicle
  2. Hi, its me agin! My Full Screen Resolution : 1366x768 my request is how to make it 1920x1080 thanks!
  3. Thanks bro i used OBS its perfect and recording HD! Thank you all!
  4. I'll try OBS but how to record HD on it?
  5. I'm using camtasia 8.6 and bought license key, but when record CNCENT the window hide and appear many times until loading end then record worck will! how to fix it? video link : http://www.mediafire.com/file/3t8ux4bnqi24n5d/Untitled.mp4
  6. Super-Snip


    Hi guys i'm new here! i want help which program using to record Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge in CNCENT or else gameplay ,how to record and setting for recording HD [INFO] MY PC Properties : RAM : 4GB (3.72 GB useable) System Type : 64-Bit Win Type : Windows 7 pro service pack 1 Graphic Card : NIVIDIA GEFORCE 9500 GT Thanks!
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