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Everything posted by Bravetaste

  1. I haven't been able to pin-point whether it's allowed in my anti-virus. Unfortunately I'm having trouble locating where I do that. What is strange is that it was allowing access (albeit not working properly) into single player before trying the fake full screen option suggested above. In addition, I have since tried skirmish on the launcher, which seems to work! Game play is not great, however it doesn't freeze like it was doing in single player but very slow and laggy - but it is allowing access into the game. I haven't change anything other than the compatibility settings to try the fake full screen. Even after changing them back it's still not allowing access. I googled the error which starts to talk about Microsoft.Net, but most of the responses to the error are not based around this game - instead are generic to Microsoft applications. Not sure where to go from here if I'm honest. I have tried changing security options for the launcher to allow - running as administrator. There seems to be two issues, one with allowing access into single player and the game play. But of course I would like to find out how I am able to get back into single player - then I can look to resolve the gameplay issue. Thanks for any help
  2. Hi FunkyFr3sh, Thanks for offering the help. I tried what you suggested, using DxWind, windowed mode, no window border at 1920x1080. However now it won't let me go into single player. This error is now popping up, no matter what I change it to - continuing doesn't do anything, it just freezes. Thanks
  3. Hi, I am experiencing exactly the same issue. Skirmish, or Campaign, it always freezes a couple of seconds after loading. Alt tab in and out refreshes the game, but again freezes after a couple of seconds. It seems to be visually freezing. The game itself doesn't freeze as you can hear the game effects continuing. I downloaded Tiberian Sun from this website - Single player campaign (windows). Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks
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