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Everything posted by Coffee

  1. I wouldnt say the issues is a faster server . Its not really that im complaining about it . Im saying that the game was designed to work at X speed - and movement speed while the ratio is the same. its different. I mean for larger players games and survials yeah the 60 FPS is great - it was designed to run at that speed. you are suppose to over commit your unit. with the extra speed i see less TC imo and less tactics
  2. 2nd neither of those explains the shift in tactics from the different communities. while the communities and skills sets are different - Ive seen game play evolve differently - they ve been tweaked and changed by the advantages and differences in the CNC server . For example most people without an edge dont spam rookies they are extremely squishy and expensive - Yet with the CNC server due to the extra Speed in FPS people use them more rookies were dam near useless vs soviets on XWIS . They also use a lot more hit and run tactics - with rookies they didnt do that as much in XWIS . and yes i played both soviets and alies well enough. an i normally had the least amount of anti air . If theres no diffrence in XWIS vs CNC rookies wouldnt be so favored in CNC. I really do understand that they are trying to patch and fix up the game . They seem to be breaking things - Also in the game mode megawealth i dont think refiners are suppose 2 be built i could be wrong? i thought mega wealth edited that out? i havent played on their server in forever so idk TBH The tactics we used to use because of slower frames are different from theirs- else they would be using the same tactics we used... -- even the old XWIS players - u see what im saying - Even if the skill set / community is different - they would have copied or we would still be using our same style of tactics... Unless u wanna chime in why as 2 they tactics are diffrent?
  3. Okay in regard to your ladder those are smaller player games 2nd that data you show is from 2017 a dead server. meaning its gets no traffic . The speed is much much faster then XWIS and back of the day i had average enough specs for XWIS . If u are the original prep surely u remember how slow it was even at the fastest speeds i do not remember XWIS playing anywhere near these speeds - and yes i know the difference because i played offline as well I used my offline speed to compare to my online speed, So i mean if u are comparing modern XWIS speeds cause no1 using it up im sure it is faster.. (also thats 2017) with their being no traffic Most people would be using modern computers and internet - Im talking about the old days when people were still using dial up and DSL and computers with less thant 2gb of ram b4 a gb of ram... From what you are showing me - The game can run physically at 60 FPS but im saying thats not the intention - becuase the technology didn't exist . so from your proof you are right that it can PHYSICALLY run at 60fps but thats not really my point if i compared 60 FPS to my old offline speed. it would be similar if i compared - on the XWIS in the OLD days that would have been 2 fast i never had any one complain- i wanna guess our speeds were around 30-45 plus on average - when i play 45 FPS on CNC that feels natural - none of the users i ever played with back in the day ever complained about lag when the game play was around 40-45 fps anything slowers where everything didnt look smooth - and had delays we considered that lag . but i yeah im sure small games had a quicker FPS - even on XWIS wasnt there a way to pull up the FPS for the game we never had any real lag issues No way they def tweaked some of the code.. there are lots of diffrences in general compared to XWIS . 2nd to get a dog into its tech like its war barraks and ref- i would have to kill the dogs 2 get in... i rarely have to kill a dog.. i just wait for it 2 go on patraol and legit just walk in. and when i played on XWIS no1 complained about lag.... ever with me unless i was running stuff in the background or it wasnt me . No1 ever directly claimed i was the laggers. if someones lagging in the group its gonna lag all the players that last bit would be directed at deekon
  4. Now dont get me wrong i understand what CNC has done. But i am a vet player of XWIS and TBH i think CNC is taking the game 2 far for its grass roots . The entire dynamics changes the flow of the entire game . The largest issue being FPS i dont think XWIS was ever really in 60 fps . I dont think its ment to be played in 60fps . Yuri revenge is an RTS its suppose to be played in real time not accelerated time i dont think our old PCs and slow Internets could reach 60 fps. if u change the FPS the game was meant to be played in that would effect movement speed to reaction speed. Now in terms of Movement speed the ratio is gonna stay the same but the reaction speed will be different - So i will bring up BO and TC but this will effect TC - in a battle XWIS was all about THE TC - by u changing the Speed that changes the dynamics of warfare . Tactics Now for one Over committing was a fatal flaw in XWIS esp things like ambushes Deso flanking / traps etc. Now the tactics on XWIS and CNC are completely different - Now originally i thought this was because the community was different but i realized its just not all skill- its the FPS playing a factor YOUR Changes and tweaks to thinks are changing the tactics / dynamic of the game with 60 FPS it makes it easier to rush with rookies or hit and run tactics on miners that wasn't so easy 2 do in XWIS unless u just have overwhelming numbers. YOur code for example has broken the AI as well code for - hard and brutal u made the AI extremely stupid and easier 2 spy . These are just some of the main examples theres much that can be argued. but from what i can see seeing how this how CNC turned out i can only assume the devs have no idea how XWIS was played . I didn't even have to kill a dog to get a spy in i just walked in.... You are breaking the balance of the code Dont get me wrong. i understand that XWIS /EA didnt support the game much anymore or update it . I understand majority of the changes 2 8 players games and more but i think 60 fps should be limited to just 8 player games and survival/ spam maps . i mean u guys added high reso map previews etc etc... The game tweaks u did to the game mechanics im not happy about TBH i tried to alt over a spy once with 2 tanks yeah they drove around it...
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