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  1. Heya, thanks for the responses. I repaired the Game via Origin, afterwards i used the Files i previously posted, starting YR through Origin and it worked. Afterwards i installed the CNC YR Client (executing it as Admin) and it showed me the Report posted above as Screenshot. I started the Client and could not change/save any other Options than the ones that were preset. I tried to start a Game through the Client, i got a Blackscreen and i heard the starting sequence, afterwards happening nothing. I closed the Game via Task Manager an tried to start YR from Origin, but it blackscreened like i would have never downloaded the files that were making me able to play the game on Origin. I hope you can understand what i am trying to say.. in addition it is worth to say, that the client tells me that the access to the path where my game is installed was denied. So far ~Kunkill Edit1: FYI: We fixed it. My cousin just sent me his edited ra2md.ini and we changed a few things optimized for Win10 (changed renderer to ddwarpper and turned on borderless windowed mode) and it works now! i can play solo and we even tried playing online and it worked! I stil cannot save setings via the YR Client but i guess you can just change things in the .ini data. I guess i am fine for now. Thank you very much for you help, i hope our solution helps you in anyway like fixing this issue or sth like that.
  2. Heya! Inbefore, i apologize for my bad english. Sooo.. today i just went back at my old Origin Account and saw that i got RA2+YR so i decided to install it to my D: Driver. My Cousin told me about this Site and your Client and i wanted to try it out, primarily to make YR run on my Win10 PC. So far everything went fine. The installation nearly finished, then a popup message came up on my desktop that said the rename of the ddraw.dll failed. i have not started a game or anything like that, as far as i can say the only thing that is not working right now is the saving of graphic/audio settings. i wrote neogrant_ in the cncnet lobby and got lucky, he responded after a few min, he told me to run the things as administrator, as a second opportunity he told me to move the folder in the documents section. both unfortunately did not work out for me. That's why i am here. Your help is highly appreciated! So far ~Kunkill Edit1: I cannot start the Game properly. It blackscreens for me, but there are many fixes online, just wanted to put this info in here. Edit2: After dragging the Files linked under this Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtwQ4qBPJMQ&feature=youtu.be) i can at least start YR from Origin and play it.
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