Yup on windows 10. I installed the improved launcher (looks exactly the same though :S) and its mysteriously now working when I use the quick launch shortcut. My apologies for not getting back to you sooner on this one, been a busy week. Enjoying so far, finally completed NOD campaign.
I've come across a few bugs though. (Please split this into its own topic/relevant forum if necessary. I could only see suggestions which doesn't really fit this for the most part).
If you play as a GDI team and unlock the airstrikes power, if you then capture or build a command centre of opposing team, you are no longer able to launch the air strike from quick selection on the right. Once launched via your own comm centre, the icon does not update to reflect it is charging.
Harvesters don't harvest until full, which is annoying when they bugger off 10 miles away and only bring back 100$ of tiberium as they chose to harvest the empty crystal and ignore the giant field surrounding it.
Skirmish games slow down to a crawl if there are more than 2 -3 AI players alive. I think this happened in normal Generals, I know it happens in C&C 3, so probably not alot you can do on this one.
Building menu buttons are sometimes incredibly unresponsive. An example that works every time for me is building walls. Sometimes you have to click them 3-4 times before it actually turns into placement mode.
Building menu sometimes does not work at all. Normally happens after alt-tabbing I've found. This is mainly predominant in the vehicle/infantry tabs, where clicking will do literally nothing, forcing a game reload.
Skirmish AI cheats with buildings. Magically starts building things at nearby tiberium fields, or plops down obelisks/SAM's miles away from their base. See image for example.
Alt Tabbing during the loading screen 99% of the time, causes the game to have no sound at all.
Side note - maybe allow further zoom out, feels quite zoomed in still. I play in 4k / 2k normally, but the map view is the same as playing in 1080p, only the UI is text gets smaller in 4k, so I normally set it to 2k unless my TV start spazzing about the resolution changes with alt tabbing alot.
Somewhat related, possibly down to windows 10 - Launching from desktop that is 4k resolution and setting the game in 1080p res, the taskbar sometimes forces itself over the game, regardless of the settings used. The only way i've found to ensure this doesn't happen is to play in 2k and 4k respectively. Be interested to know if others have experienced this if their native res is 4k.
Tiberium grows back too slowly. Skirmish games stagnate very quickly as the AI runs out of money and bases are relatively easy to defend. Would be nice if there was an ini to modify regrowth rate, or amend the amount of tiberium in the crystals.
Spec Ops Mission:
These need a list if possible so you can pick the one you want to do. (is the patsux mission available?)