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Everything posted by cczz

  1. oh and thanks for the /restard advice seems like my version of cnc net was ooooooold
  2. It worked! Awesome, i waited 15 years for this haha.... Played it on Playstation in 1998 (per cheat code it was possible) and then restarted with the original disc in 2002 on computer thanks !!! donated ofc
  3. Wow, thank you so much. I got health issues and its hard to concentrate most of the times, this helps me a lot!!
  4. well i guess its too complicated for someone in my situation^^ thanks anyway!
  5. Awesome, thanks for the help. I will try it out in a few hours!
  6. Hey, could you tell me in detail what to do to make the fog of war disappear? Im Playing offline via cncnet since a few years... Would be awesome if someone could help me.. all i wanna do is play without fog of war. thanks!!
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