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Everything posted by Viper87

  1. So you want more wider "oil in the middle" map with additional buildings ? What is tech grand canon ?
  2. Thanks @YosefAnan, darker looks better but where is that keeper well not everone wants to play with stupid AI. I made also improvements. ore keeper 0.96.map [2x shared oil derrics] they give 100$ every 13.3s if you play at 60fps Could you also edit this map and make similar things like night and reparable bunkers ? Also is it possible to make hospital but in smaller building [like 3x3] instead that huge default one ?
  3. Guess what, i made another map Ore Keeper Its meant to be FFA but you can play in 2 teams. Its for 4 players and in the middle for 1 cpu or you can leave that empty. this isnt final version i still trying to balance it, nice to see any suggestions. btw i borrowed map scheme from @YosefAnan , sorry i have to Download: ore keeper 0.75.map Oil derricks give 250$ every ~8 seconds ore keeper 0.76.1.map Oil derricks give 125$ every ~8 seconds ore keeper 0.77.1.map Oil derricks give 100$ every ~10 seconds
  4. cool, i will try to be in game or at least on stream
  5. thanks V3 is easy to block if you have AA units but it could some damage before that wow thats great, what time ?
  6. Resources should be limited on this map imo its not neccessary to place ore on start, about green gras i like to keep maps clean and that dark grass is meant to direct players to dostroy barrels in the forest and make a passage to other player. i played on cncnet and it was nice
  7. I made another similar map OreHub Download: ore hub.map And Also Viper Nest for 8 players viper nest 4x2.map
  8. Looks like this problem isnt still solved, thats a shame because high res picture woluld much help for people who play first time on less popular maps
  9. I made new version, it looks like this: I add ore mine in the middle and some trees and houses. map is slighty bigger. Download: viper nest 4x v1.6.map
  10. Last gameplay with @Kikematamitos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkHKicXMADE&t=0s btw how to embed a video ?
  11. Thanks for advices. I was starting to play on cncnet when i seen Kikematamitos gameplay on youtube, he made a lot of gameplays on small maps like "Extra Small" or "oil in te middle" and i want to make something similar because i dont knew how to make profesional maps so i made this small and symmetrical. I played on it many times on cncnet and it was really nice so i decide to post it here.
  12. you need to destroy barrells in the middle or destroy oil derrics to attack from side, you can see that on my video
  13. Hi, i made my first multiplayer map Here is short gameplay on it: gameplay Download here: MAP Enjoy My other maps: viper nest 4x v1.6.map viper nest 4x2.map ore hub.map ore keeper 0.96.map
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