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Corvus Sidd

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  1. That's exactly why I think we need to change the meta. At the moment, the state of gameplay is redundant, repetitive, and very boring. We've come to a point that a strong subset of the player base only plays survival maps. The others play ToE (which is frankly what is killing casual multiplayer). I think this is happening because the game on its own is not very rewarding to play unless you play a very specific strat, and the people who don't like those strats just quit playing. It takes almost an hour for me to organise a game that is not based on ToE, Survival, or Extra Small. Competitive play might be different, but we DESPERATELY need more variety in casual play. Right now its just a cycle of experienced players spamming the same meta to win over inexperienced or casual players. Example? Yuri's shenanigans. Battlefortress spam (I can't stress this enough... What is the balancing here? The unit is crying for a nerf, and in my opinion, is killing the casual spirit of the game. It's a one-trick pony that everyone jumps on. No diversity.
  2. For all intents and purposes, creating a community patch that is designed only to accommodate competitive players is a weird flex. Why call it a community patch when you're unwilling to consider how casual and non-competitive players play the game, aka the community? A competitive match, the BL requirement for Boomer might be substantial, but for casual players, it's just an added minute before a single submarine wipes your entire base. I think it is a bit short-sighted not to balance for the community, because a lot of casual players just want to play a game and not be frustrated by Yuri insta-win strats (i.e. bunkers in extra small maps, boomers in naval maps). I think you should be balancing both the competitive and casual player-base. Forgive me if this feels a bit too intrusive, but the way this is going, it seems this patch will fragment the community more than it will unite it.
  3. I love the Initiate change, god they are OP. I really liked how this patch was going at start, but with the latest patch (and the previous ones), it seems you've undone virtually every change and its starting to look like the patch makes Yuri more stronger, as compared to balanced, specifically against Soviets. The virus buff basically negates much of the competitive strength of GB, making the faction irrelevant from a balance perspective (Virus was a short-med AI counter, Sniper was a long-range AI counter). Slave miner balancing is fine - 1500 health is still a lot. Gattling tank - Again, it seems you're really reluctant to make any change at all. Compared to respective Allied and Soviet (IFV, Flak), this tank is far too tanky and has far more damage. Either it should be weaker, or its range should be reduced. Masterminds - Your changes seem to come from a perspective that masterminds are lone units. They're always surrounded by a tonne of Yuri units that all act as complete denial. Combine this with how tanky MM already are makes them far more difficult to 'surgical strike' them. MM should be a risky investment considering, not a guaranteed territorial denial. Boomer - Again, no change to their combat ability. The biggest contention I think is that they are too good against ground. Their missiles should be limited to 1 because they can eliminate most naval threats alone. The BL requirement is not a huge deal because Yuri is going to be getting it anyway. You're only delaying a super OP unit by a minute. No balancing here. Genetic Mutator - I like the Brute grinding nerf, but by reducing the counter by a minute, you just negated the whole point of the balancing. If Yuri players can turn slaves into brutes a minute earlier, the point of abuse still is the same? Based on this, I don't really see the point of using this patch in games. Yuri is more or less the same. Great work so far, though
  4. Hello. I'm new here. I love to play offline skirmish, where I would capture the enemy MCV and generally build a huge military complex across the map. However, I noticed that with CnCnet, it's not possible to load the skirmishes you start. This is a shame because the native game does not has the maps or flexibility that CnCnet offers. I researched around this forum, and found that its not possible to load skirmish because of a low-priority bug. Then I found a solution. (i) I started a normal offline skirmish through CnCnet and saved it. (ii) Then I used the method recommended in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtwQ4qBPJMQ&feature=youtu.be (direct download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B21lAGuRCkBqdHVLNWVwdkNXWDg/view?usp=sharing) Extract the files of the .zip file into your RA2 folder (save the original files it will overwrite, first). (iii) Set Yuri.exe to Windows 8 compatibility mode (and run as administrator) (iv) Run the native game. Go to Load Saved games, and open your skirmish. It will load with your CnCnet settings (this means widescreen resolution). -- Unfortunately, you will need to re-extract the files EVERYTIME you open the game (or alt-tab out of game too). I know this is a limitation, but it works. Summary: start cncnet offline skirmish, save, use the method above, and then load the game from native client. You can save in the native client too, to keep playing later! - Edit: I don't know what the purpose of files in the .zip is, but I guess if you want to play online again, you would need to copy back the overwritten files you saved. Would be nice to have mod clarification on this!
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