this is my first post here and it is dedicated to BluySY. Last time I saw him online I joined his tournament and I suppose this was the last one he organized (it was september 16 if I remember well).
We had played tens of times before and he was so nice to give me tips and some advice that were so valuable. He was a really nice person, so keen in playing and organizing tournaments, he liked watching and entertaining others as well.
It was several months that I was wondering why he was no longer connected, since he had told me after that tournament that it was his intention to find more spare time to organize and play. Until yesterday evening, when Love reported this shoking news. This news touched my soul and I want to express my sincere condolences to his family.
I want to join chem and SMT proposal as well.
I already missed BluySY but now I miss him in a really different way, and suffer too.