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Everything posted by CmdrWeakness

  1. Hey RC, I've done some tinkering around. Try the German patches, they're super easy to unpatch so it won't hurt to try. For YR 1.001 the German patch seems to work fine for mouse issues - now the only problem that exists is with loading and videos, the only solid response is from this forum: The issue being that resizing totally breaks the fullscreen rendering. If you're still having issues with the mouse, try disabling acceleration from your mouse software, and changing it only from Windows mouse settings? As for the game speed, maybe try this in the .ini: [Options] GameSpeed=6 GameSpeed=3 GameSpeed=1 Where 6 is fastest and 3 is normal; 1 is probably lowest, haven't tested because I don't hate myself. I still maintain that for YR multiplayer the CNCNET patch is probably the greatest thing since sliced bread, however for singleplayer stick to vanilla 1.001. If all else fails then hit me up via PM - let's set up a troubleshooting chat.
  2. I see lots of RA2 and RA2YR speedruns in my future - love your content. Doesn't look like CNCNET runs SP, at least I couldn't figure it out. Here's what I did (after a bunch of... accidents; I don't know if I can link yet so just follow the brackets): 1. fresh install of Origin RA2+YR (completely shift+delete the game folder) 2. run and patch both RA2 and YR with CnCgraphicspatch (from the german stuff host site) 3. get the latest version of cnc-draw from GitHub 4. unpatch the CnCgraphicspatch 5. completely remove compatibility modes from both Ra2.exe and YURI.exe (right click, properties, compatibility, change settings for all users, untick, ok) [Steps 2 and 4 might not be necessary, I was half a bottle into bourbon by this time.] 6. modify the .ini files for the correct modern screen size of your deepest desire... 7. launch using Origin Obviously you won't be able to run CNCNET using this method, maybe having the SP in a separate folder will do the trick? Unknown how Origin is enforced as copy protection. Waiting for those dank speedruns my dude.
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