This patch needs to leave. Fast.
I applaud the effort to bring underused units more in the game, and especially, solve real problems. However, this patch only creates a different game. Further, clearly this patch is made by players who haven't played a good count of 4+ multiplayer games. Yes, I know it's you, Lovehandles.
> an attempt at rounding out some of the game's rougher edges, and giving some of the more undertuned units a bigger chance to shine
So, what are the rougher edges? I need to see problems, *before* I see a solution. Here, I see a solution for problems that are not mentioned.
> The patch is completely optional.
No, it is not. And that's the biggest problem here. Because what now will happen is that our multi-million playerbase will be divided into two multi-million playerbases. Oh, whoops, nope, we hardly have ten players online which will now get completely different games. Where people do not know that it even is a completely different game, because the UI of the balance patch is one from the 70s.
So, what will happen is that players will want to play the game they played for over 25 years. On their many-core, multi-4K display, surround-sound last-gen OS PC system. Not a different incarnation which does not solve any problems.
So then, you ask me, what are the problems?
1 is a serious problem which I have not seen solved by any player, including PhD. 2 is a less serious problem, especially in 4p+ games.
1. **The apc-engie-rush**
Let's dig in. The apc-engie-rush is a serious problem, because the apc cannot be killed with reasonable amount of troops. The opponent simply cannot create a normal troop count to kill it, **unless it builds it specifically anti-engie-rush**. Yes, you can have some luck killing it with a few troops, but skilled players who know the behavior of the apc can drive around it pretty well. The second factor of why the apc-engie-rush is a problem is apc behavior. You're able to position the apc in such way, that the time of the engie coming out of apc and going into target MCV is less then a second or around a second. Not enough to kill it. These two factors combined make the apc-engie-rush too powerful.
A rough guess of mine is that n00bs counter them <10% of the time, mediums skilled players <20% of the time and pro's counter them <40% of the time. PhD counters them <50%. I'm reasonably sure that these numbers are somewhat correct, as I have played hundreds of games where I observed apc-engie-rushes.
2. **The apache rush**
Build 4 apaches, kill target MCV. This is a very powerful rush, but it is not nearly as problematic as the apc-engie-rush. Good scouting and building an extra hand/barracks can counter this one pretty well. Furthermore, in multiplayer scenarios apache-rushing is a big risk. Even if you manage to kill of an mcv, you're now severely under threat as the apache-rush builder don't have any defenses. Yet, you can get a new MCV by one of your teamies. Still, an apache rush is something to reckon with, and is very powerful. I'm unsure yet if it crosses the line, but at least is is very dang close.
Now, solve above two problems in an elegant way. Maybe I will try your patch then.
By the way: I love and even adore stuff that Lovehandles and Ferret and many other in this community do. Please keep up the good work. But this patch makes me angry.