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  1. Hi Created a mix file with mix editor named it "expandspawnXX.mix" (xx) number 0-99 save it to game folder open it with mixer and add all vxl and hva in there before close right click and "compact" expandspawn only one tat worked elocal ecache expand none worked but expandspawn naming https://www.twitch.tv/wurth_pt/ Many units work just fine in multiplayer, requirement is to have them named same as game file ex apocalypse tank is apoc in rules.ini but its called "mtnk" ir artmd.ini which would be a correct name for voxel and hva file. It will work on any map and obvisly will be visible only to you, all other player will see regular grafics.... So some units you will try to add will actually cause recon error immidetly after ingage with enemie online, so you can test it with 2 pcs which work and which dont, cause for single player will work any
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