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Johnny Cage

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  1. The new update is using NET FRAMEWORK 4.8.1. My operating system doesn't support that net framework and i cant update my OS. Why u didt that? whyyyyyyyy. Now i cant play anymore, forever.... THANK U FOR THAT....
  2. Those ideas that you are proposing are excellent, also, you should consider that other infantry can be garrisoned in buildings as tesla trooper soldiers, GI guardian, flak trooper, sniper (it would be great in building). Other idea is like as in RED ALERT 1, the air support of PARABOMS (like spy plane), for the 3 factions. Would Be helpful.
  3. Personally I think that the only thing that is worth of this patch is that the tesla tank and apocalypse fire when moving, otherwise it is unnecessary. What is required is that ALL units (except Tanya and Seal) can enter buildings. That would be useful, without modifying the original damage values.
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