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  1. Hi again, I´m trying to build a multiplayer team misson map. So I set IsCoopMode=Yes. Do I habe the possebility to fix the coutry for the players? So the player can´t choos soviet or allied? Thanks for help
  2. Hallo again, I tried to create a mulitplayer coopmode map. But what ever I do, I cant make the AI build aircrafts via teamtypes an triggers. So they wont attack with any aircraft. Is ther a possebility to make them build and attack? second question. If I define a building in the [base] section every AI is going to build it. Is there a way to soecify only on AI to build it? Player= is already set. Thanks for help
  3. Another day another question... How many triggers and teams can be created in one map? I created a map witch crashes whenever I want to start it... I can't find any mistake. Maybe there are simply to many triggers for the system? (More than 100) Thanks for your help!
  4. I want to edit the vehicle and building graphics. Where do I find the original graphics and where do I have to place the edited ones in cnc to replace the original? Greetings and thank you
  5. Is it possible to make a ai in multiplayer build a nuclear silo? Or give the ai nuclear missiles otherwise? thanks for your help
  6. If I set Passengers = number of passengers it may carry (def=0) to 5 for a normal tank, I am able to enter it with 5 infantry guys. However they are not able to leave the tank any more… is there any possibility?
  7. Genio


    Hi, is there any possibility to make the AI build and use: 1. Marine troops including ship yard 2. Air troops (even if the human Player didnt build any air troops? 3. Nuclear weapons? Thank you
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