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  1. For the past few years, I've been coming up with a strategy game that fit well for a mod using the Command & Conquer games' engines. Resistance is not the official name but something I'll still use when referencing this project, and Red Alert 3's game engine was the best option for me. After acquiring many ideas, I'm close to having something workable save for a few details. Resistance is something that is completely separate from the C&C franchises, actually based on a universe I personally conjured for the past eight years, which features a conflict between magic versus science. Well, it's more of a faction using magic-based technology fighting another that uses more modern and conventional weaponry. Both sides have different ways of building, unit production, unit composition, and tier progression. Nonetheless, the unique experience coming from both factions would be balanced with no side having an advantage over the other. Now for the issues that I have so far: * Currently, I have Red Alert 3 on Steam, which I believe is preventing me from using the World Editor. Can someone help me get around this? * While the gameplay works very much like RA3, there are some instances of Tiberium Wars, such upgrades at tech buildings and units having more than one ability to choose from. If anyone could help with that, even if it means suggesting another mod with this kind of thing, I'm all for it. * Finally, I have another set of ideas that'll differ from other C&C games. If anyone is willing to hear these new features I plan to put into a mod, as well as the faction's units/tech trees I've made, I'm all for it. It may be tough, but hopefully, it'll be able to worth it in the end.
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