Saw this post (way too late necroing an old post its bad) but at least i have some icons to add.
The first two is my own mix and match up i just can't seem to get the angle right on first one, and 2nd one the rocket-pods are too big.
the antenna are white instead of black and the front side panel is too low down have to redraw it bit tougher and sturdier little higher.
second and third are simple ingame versions cut out on standard background and colorized for each faction for now.
the last one is from something else i just cut out and pasted on standard background.
i was annoyed i couldn't find any decent sidebar icon for the mammoth tank so i had to fix it.
if anyone has better post it
(as close as possible to the originals please.)
Edit: > improved the rocket-pod, increased the front height and added a shade so it looks bulky.
might actually improve it a bit more in the future before working on nod's version.
The back/side seems bit off. maybe the barrels are too long too.
Edit2: how it looks in-game
Might need to zoom in on the next one sorry about that.