I think the idea of a community rebalance is amazing, but I think a lot of the changes are moot because the patches have not put a dent in the core balance issues present in the game. Soviet is still way too strong. Even after the rebalance, the most efficient strategy by far is still rush with rhinos + IC. Siege Choppers are also very good, but I think that's okay; Sov deserves a strong lategame siege tool too and Apocs are still generally not worth it.
The Sov early game is still busted due to the raw power of Rhinos and the Sov economy. Adjusting the Tesla Tank won't matter if Sov never needs to build anything else to compete in the late game. Nobody's gonna build Tank Destroyers. Mirages, Prisms, and BFs are great, but when Sov players play correctly these units are not as good to the equivalent investment they put into Rhinos, they require way more micro, are more expensive, and don't come out fast enough. And what's the point of a balance patch if it doesn't meaningfully address the core balance issue that has always persisted in RA2?
I know this might not be a popular viewpoint since people have been playing under the established order of Rhino spam meta for like 20 years now...but what if we tried making Rhinos slightly worse? Or make Grizzlys not shit?